Category Archives: Pregnancy

Pregnancy time lapse video *ADORABLE*

Just when you think you have seen them all people’s creativity prove you wrong. How adorable is this pregnancy time lapse video? I’m so jelous that I didn’t do something like this when I was pregnant.


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Filed under Babies, Mommy - to - be, Pregnancy, Video

A free antenatal class today at Sadu House

The ladies behind BirthKuwait have been very busy! I wish they were around when I was pregnant. They will be hosting a Coping with Labor FREE class at Sadhu House today. By attending the class you will learn about different ways to cope with labor from your head all the way down to your toes. Taught by Midwife and Doulas experienced with supporting mothers in birth. If you are pregnant one would like to learn more to support your pregnant friend or sister then I would highly recommend you attend.

The class starts at 5pm and will be in English and Arabic.

For more information visit their Facebook Page.

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Filed under Around Kuwait, Doula, Kuwait, Mommy - to - be, Pregnancy

The first ever DONA Doula training in Kuwait

BirthKuwait, in partnership with Royale Hayat Hospital, is pleased to announce the first ever DONA Doula training in Kuwait, April 26-28th, 2012.

What is a Doula?

A Doula is a person who provides non-medical care for mothers during and immediately after birth. A Doula:

  • Recognizes birth as a significant life experience.
  • Understands the physiology of birth and the emotiona needs of a laboring woman.
  • Provides continuous support, practrical comfort measures, and an objective viewpoint to aid in decision-making.
  • Complements the care provided by the woman’s partner and birth attendants.
  • Protects and nurtures the memory of the birth experience

The intensive three-day workshop will help the participant:

  • Recognize the significance of chidbirth in the life of a woman.
  • Demonstrate at least three prental and postpartum support skills.
  • Devise a plan to offer optimal support in a variety of labor situations.
  • Appraise personal values and their relationship to labor support.
  • Assess standards of practice and plan methods of business management.

Please email your registration form to or If you want to print up your form, you can drop off your form with the registration fee to Sarah Paksima (Amwaj Towers, Gulf Road, Salmiya (5536-8636). The course fee is 150 KWD, and includes course training materials and meals. Registration deadline is April 1st, 2012.


This course is designed for those who have had some experience in the field of childbirth (practical (doesn’t have to be your own) or academic). The course is ideal for mothers, sisters, nurses, nutritionists, or other health professionals. Our vision is for every family in Kuwait to have a doula! If you have NO childbirth experience, please email Kristi ( so she can help you design a prerequistie program.

*Nursing babies are welcome if they are quiet or if you have someone who can take them out of the room if need be.

*Please complete as many of the books from DONA’s required reading list as possible before the training. The list can be found at Birth Doula Required Reading List. It is not required, but recommended, that the reading be done prior to the program. If you need access tothese books before the treaining, please contact me ( to check them out from my library.

For more information check out their website Birth Kuwait. 

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Filed under Around Kuwait, Doula, Education, Events, Kuwait, Mommy - to - be, Mothers, Pregnancy, Seminars

Private Fertility Consultations with Iva Keene in Kuwait

By popular demand Iva Keene is coming back to Kuwait between the 24th and 29th of March 2012 you have a unique opportunity to schedule a face-to-face consultation with internationally renowned natural fertility specialist and doctor of naturopathic medicine Iva Keene. Iva is the creator of the award winning Natural Fertility Prescription program.

During your consultation you will receive advice and guidance individually tailored for you and your husband and, where required, a prescription for premium quality supplements. This year you can also get the NFP program in Arabic, and if you wish to have a consultation in Arabic, a female Arabic translator can be organized so you don’t miss out on any valuable information.

You can check out her website for more information and join their Facebook page as well.


Altaf Al-Essa’s Consultation Office
Shaab Sea Side


+965 2263 6613 / +965 6700 0128

Our you can register Online


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Filed under Around Kuwait, Babies, Education, Health, Kuwait, Pregnancy, Video

Mellow Bumps 6 week pregnancy program

Pregnancy can be hard.  It can be even harder if you are worried about your health, your baby’s health, how you are going to cope, or simply about how to be the best mother you can.
Mellow Bumps is a 6 weeks programme designed to provide support, information, and care to expectant Mums.  The group is for women between 20 and 30 weeks gestation and is designed to reduce stress and anxiety whilst preparing you for your new arrival!  It is not only for first time Mums, but for all expectant Mums.

Sign up NOW!  Mellow Bumps groups are now accepting registrations at the SOOR Center.  For more information or to book your place on a group, call the center on 2290 6711 or email

Via Play.Teach.Love


Filed under Around Kuwait, Education, Mommy - to - be, Pregnancy

New year resolutions for Pregnancy, labor and life with your child

Five resolutions for pregnancy:

1.    I will look in the mirror every day and tell myself I’m fabulous.  Then I’ll spend the day being fabulous.
2.    I will eat more fruits and veggies and fewer Hot Pockets and Doritos.
3.    I will go for a walk, do some yoga, pick up some weights and stretch.
4.    I will ask more questions at my prenatal visits.
5.    I will keep an open mind and heart when people offer me advice.

Six resolutions for labor:

1.    I will not compare my birth experience with those of my friends, sister or mother.
2.    I will only invite people into my labor room who support my family and me.
3.    I will get up, walk and change positions as often as possible.
4.    I will remind myself that this is a new and unique experience for my baby and me and if labor doesn’t go the way I thought it would, so be it.
5.    I will not call anyone mean names or blame them for my labor, (even though women in the movies do) and remember that my husband/partner is going through a big change too.
6.    I will remember that billions of women have had babies before and if they can do it, so can I.

Seven resolutions for the first week of parenthood:

1.    I will be thankful that my baby and I came through birth healthy and well.
2.    I will be gentle with my body and let it heal in its’ own time.
3.    I will take all advice with the intention it is offered and a grain (maybe a shaker) of salt.
4.    I will ask for help.
5.    I will understand that many women have done this before, that there’s more than one way to do things and my way is a good way too.
6.    I will remember that it’s only sleep and there will be time for that later.
7.    I will remind myself that I’ve been given the greatest gift of all – my own child to raise thoughtfully, carefully and with the best abilities I have.

Eight resolutions for the rest of your life:

1.    I will do my best every day to be kind to my self, my family and my child.
2.    I will remember that I’m raising the child in front of me, not the one in the book or the movies and I’m not re-raising myself.
3.    I will remind myself during the good times and the bad ones that this is a moment, not forever. Cherish it, value it or just get through it.
4.    I will not micromanage my partner or husband by expecting him to parent my way.
5.    I will not let a little mess and chaos ruin everything.
6.    I will simplify, simplify, simplify, realizing that nothing needs to be all that complicated.
7.    I will remember to speak to my child as politely as I expect him to speak to me.  If I wouldn’t use that voice with my friend or coworker, why would I use it with my child.
8.    I will forgive myself for occasionally losing my mind, temper and cool because nobody needs a perfect mother.

via Fit Pregnancy 

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Filed under Kids, Mommy - to - be, Pregnancy

Ready to pop!

Such a cute pregnancy shot.

via deana Johnson Photography

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Filed under Mommy - to - be, Photography, Pregnancy

Mellow Bumps, a 6 week program for mommies to be

I saw this post on one of my favorite blogs Play.Teach.Love today and thought It was well worth re-posting. I used to get a lot of emails asking about programs specialized for mommies to be  in Kuwait and finally someone has went a head and started one.

Mellow Bumps is a 6 weeks program designed to provide support, information, and care to expecting Mum’s.  The group is for women between 20 and 30 weeks gestation and is designed to reduce stress and anxiety whilst preparing for your new arrival!  It is not only for first time Mum’s, but for all expectant Mum’s.

Research shows that stress in pregnancy can have adverse long-term effects on the well-being of the child.  Additionally, stress, anxiety, and depression during pregnancy are strong indicators of post-natal mental health which can also have an impact on the child as it grows and develops

Through the group you will be given information about what your unborn child is able to do now and at birth, as well as information on their development through infancy.  You will be given techniques and support which will allow you to continue your pregnancy in a positive manner and to be ready to develop a strong, secure relationship with your child in the future.  We have also made links to other specialists here in Kuwait who we can hook you up with to provide nutritional, breastfeeding, and birthing advice.

The groups will be starting in January 2012 and will be run one morning a week at Soor Center for Professional Therapy and Assessment.

Please feel free to contact the Soor Center on 2290 1677.   You can also contact the facilitator Dr. Rose Logan, directly on the following email address:

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Filed under Around Kuwait, Education, Health, Kuwait, Mommy - to - be, Pregnancy

Cute pregnancy announcements



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Filed under Babies, Pregnancy

Preventing stretch marks

During pregnancy your skin tends to get dry and itchy. Sooner or later the appearance of those dreaded stretch marks start to appear on your tummy. I know they say that gens play a big role in getting stretch marks but I truly believe that these items help and can make a difference.

What skin care products did you use while pregnant ?

You can find both Palmers and Bio oil at Boots pharmacies.

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Filed under Around Kuwait, mommy stuff, Pregnancy